Take Your Porn With You - Porn Video glasses keep it private
Sleek video glasses that turn film viewing into a private affair went on view at the world's biggest porn show on Wednesday, just after they were demonstrated down the road at the planet's largest consumer electronics show.
Victor Quitoriano of Body Care Resort coaxed passers-by to shut out the bustling activity at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo by sampling an intimate video-viewing session complete with audio through an ear piece.
He had been demonstrating models of the same glasses at the Consumer Electronics Show a short distance away in the Sands Exposition Centre just a day earlier.
"Our technology crosses over," Quitoriano said. "The videos we showed there weren't porn, because we didn't want to offend anybody.
"Here, it's different. Imagine you can take your porn all over the place; in a plane or a train, but not in the car unless you are the passenger."
The video glasses, made in Taiwan and sold by California-based Body Care, connect to all of the latest video-playing devices, from the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 game consoles to Apple's iPod and Microsoft's Zune MP3 players.
The model being shown off by Quitoriano carry a suggested retail price of $349 (about R2 540) but were discounted for show-goers.
"The only competition I've seen is Sky Mall," Quitoriano said, referring to a gadget catalogue commonly found on the seatbacks on commercial airplanes. -- AFP
Victor Quitoriano of Body Care Resort coaxed passers-by to shut out the bustling activity at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo by sampling an intimate video-viewing session complete with audio through an ear piece.
He had been demonstrating models of the same glasses at the Consumer Electronics Show a short distance away in the Sands Exposition Centre just a day earlier.
"Our technology crosses over," Quitoriano said. "The videos we showed there weren't porn, because we didn't want to offend anybody.
"Here, it's different. Imagine you can take your porn all over the place; in a plane or a train, but not in the car unless you are the passenger."
The video glasses, made in Taiwan and sold by California-based Body Care, connect to all of the latest video-playing devices, from the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 game consoles to Apple's iPod and Microsoft's Zune MP3 players.
The model being shown off by Quitoriano carry a suggested retail price of $349 (about R2 540) but were discounted for show-goers.
"The only competition I've seen is Sky Mall," Quitoriano said, referring to a gadget catalogue commonly found on the seatbacks on commercial airplanes. -- AFP
Use those glasses with porn and you will go blind!
Free Porn, at 4:41 AM
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