Postcards From The Ledge

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Teenagers who play poker sharpen skills

Parents For Poker

Playing the game is more popular than ever with teens. Why some moms and dads think that isn't such a bad bet

Poker is resuming its place as one of the most popular and socially accepted activities in teenagers' lives, and the parents don’t seem to mind. Why the parental aiding and abetting? It's not just that poker in the home keeps kids off the unpredictable streets. Many parents are saying that their kids get real-life lessons from playing poker with one another.

Keeping track of the odds and the cards can help sharpen math skills without the kids even knowing it. And perhaps more important for teenage boys, who studies show lag in the development of their emotional intelligence, poker provides personal interaction. The game's central task--reading faces and psyching out opponents--can boost their EQ in ways that many other typical teenage activities do not.

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